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I have to do it all

Feb 07, 2020

This has been muttered by me in the past more times than I care to count. Whenever this thought would pop into my head I'd feel:




Certainly not emotions that fuel me in getting things done. Through life coaching I have learned that my THOUGHTS create my FEELINGS which fuel my ACTIONS and give me RESULTS. 

Of course this thought will still pop up every now and then (as we have over 50,000 thoughts a day) but not nearly as often anymore. When I hear it ....I don't believe it anymore as I have decided that it is a thought that doesn't serve me.


I'd much rather think:

I am choosing to do these things

No one needs to help me in order to feel good

I am a badass MamaDoc and I get done what is necessary.

 These create much stronger, fueling emotions in my body.


I am over the pity party I used to have for myself....because it just causes more suffering.   Taking responsibility for how I feel had been the best gift I've ever received.

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Do something today that your future self thanks you for!

Feb 06, 2020

Have you ever thought about this?

Things we do daily affect where we will be next week or next year.

If nothing changes...then nothing changes!

By using our amazing prefrontal cortex we can make decisions about where we WANT to be rather than when we rely on our primitive brain to be reactive to our circumstances.

Our primitive brain wants to

Keep us safe

Keep us comfortable

Keep us status quo


Making decisions ahead of time (and HONORING those decisions) allows us to use our amazing brain to the best of our ability.

What can you DECIDE to do TODAY that will serve you well in the future?


Hitting the gym

Studying for that test

Making a weekly meal plan for your family

Getting some much needed sleep


Put in the effort today...your future self will thank you!

(seriously.....it can be something small!! I set up the coffee maker the other evening. I was so delighted when I went to make coffee in the morning that it was ready to go!)

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Indecision FATIGUE and exhaustion

Feb 06, 2020

Making decisions used to be very difficult for me.

I needed to weigh ALL my options to make sure that I made the right one.

It took SO MUCH TIME and I hemmed and hawed and then would make a decision, and then I would second guess the decision.


It was the perfect set-up for procrastination...just delay the decision...but it was always causing me angst!

And then I learned that I could make a decision and HAVE MY BACK!  I learned that  there really is no "right way" and I could be satisfied no matter what.  SO crazy.

So I started making decisions deliberately and then didn't question my choice....SIMPLY AMAZING!

I have so much less brain drama and fatigue. Seriously, I used to spin in indecision on the most minor of things. No wonder I was exhausted all of the time!


***If you struggle with indecision fatigue you are NOT ALONE!  It is horrible! Learning how to make confident decisions helps me feel so much better.  If you'd like...

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All thoughts are optional

Feb 05, 2020

This continues to blow my mind.

As you learn to be a curious observer of your brain you become more aware of all the thoughts that are streaming through your head (over 50,000 per day!)...and when we think them over and over they FEEL SO TRUE to us.  This is called a belief.  But did you know that it is still optional?!?  If the thought feels good in your body and it is serving you in a positive way, then by all means....keep thinking it.

 But how many times do thoughts such as

I am not creative

I am not efficient

I am not patient

I am behind everyone else

crop up in our brain and make us feel crazy?!?


These and ALL thoughts are optional!

First Step: being aware that these are just THOUGHTS and not FACTS...This alone is amazing.

Second step:  Getting curious about WHY we choose to carry long-held thoughts with us if they don't serve us. No judgement...just curiosity.

Third step: getting deliberate about how we WANT to think.

Why NOT dream big?


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You are 100% worthy

Feb 04, 2020

You are 100% worthy.

Right now...as you are.

What if this was true?

How would your life be different?

If doing another thing didn't make you any better?

If failing at something didn't make you any worse?

What if you could just set goals and get after them for the fun of it?

For the challenge of it?

Because you believe in the cause?

But not because you'd be any better at the end...because you are ALREADY 100% worthy.


How would YOUR life be different?


***If you'd like help "feeling better" and you would like to let go of some of the crap you are working on to "improve" yourself... please know that change is possible. I can help. Set up a free consultation today.

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Change is possible

Feb 04, 2020

What if you actually believed this?

What would you do?

What would you create?

I used to think I was STUCK

That my life was happening TO me

And then I learned the BEST. NEWS.EVER

Change is possible

I can teach my brain new tricks.

I get to be in control of what I think and feel and do and the results in my life.


***I became a certified life coach so I could help others see this too.

If you're tired of feeling stuck, Please set up a free consultation today.

Change is possible. I can help.

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What is your favorite way to buffer?

Feb 03, 2020

So many of us turn to EXTERNAL solutions to feel better. We HATE being uncomfortable.  I know...I've been there too!!!

A glass of wine after a tough day in clinic.

Pizza at the end of a hard week.

Sugary treats anytime stress rises up in our body (EMR anyone?)

Netflix to avoid feeling lonely or bored.

Online shopping to ease our discomfort with how we look.


All of this is called BUFFERING. It is a way of avoiding emotions that are uncomfortable to us...





ashamed and all the others!


I've learned so many things in coaching and one of my favorites is about buffering and why we do it. Number one...if you learn to ALLOW the emotion and feel the feels then you don't have to avoid it.  I also really LOVE teaching my clients about how we can overcome urges that we have created over time by doing this over and over again.


***What would your life be like if you didn't have to have wine, chocolate, treats or Netflix to...

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Sneaky Thoughts

Feb 02, 2020

I can do better.

I will try harder.

I want to do it the right way.

These sound like motivating "feel good" thoughts...but if we take a moment and see what emotion it creates in our body...it typically isn't a positive one.





While it is fine to have these emotions, they don't often lead to positive actions and results.  Most often they lead to buffering (with food or wine or netflix) as well as spinning in indecision.

It does not get us closer to whatever goal we may have.

Working with a coach has helped me uncover so many of my "sneaky thoughts".

Who knew that the way I was trying to encourage myself was in fact making me feel and act worse. 

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I believe...

Feb 01, 2020
I believe
That we can be excellent mothers and physicians.

I believe that WE ( MamaDocs) do not need to suffer to achieve this.

I believe that we can go from just surviving in life to thriving in life.

I believe that life can be richer and more joy filled and not just one day after another after another.

I believe that we MamaDocs have dedicated years of our lives caring for our patients and our children and NOW IT IS TIME to care for ourselves.

I believe that working on our mental health is as important as our physical health.

I believe life coaching offers powerful tools and I have found it key to living a more joy-filled and deliberate life.

I believe MamaDocs are critical in our health care system and in our communities and my mission is to help care for my own.❤

**You are not alone if you are struggling.  Set up a free consultation today if you'd like to feel better.  Change is possible. I can help.
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Life's perfect moments are now.

Feb 01, 2020

I bought a cute picture with this quote when my kids were little.

I hung it in the bathroom so I could see if often.  When it was bath time, I'd see it and be reminded that the noise and the mess and the sticky hands and hugs were what life is all about.

My kids are older now and I miss those sweet bath times. But it is still such a lovely reminder.

At times I am tempted to nag my kids about the mess in the bathroom and then I see the sign and remember...

 This is it.

Life's perfect moments are now.

Not when the house is all clean and everything put away (even though I enjoy that!)

But now.


Enjoy the day my friends.


**This visual reminder helped me when I was struggling with my little ones...the sad thing was after an hour or so I often went back to being overwhelmed again. I felt bad I couldn't stay in the present moment and enjoy life.

If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.  Change is possible and I can help. Set up a free consultation today.

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