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You are not alone.

Uncategorized Feb 08, 2020

I used to be afraid to speak up and say that I was struggling.

I felt that my life was out of control and I was often overwhelmed.

I felt I had no ability to change things.

I felt stuck in my life  because of the " all the things" going on around me.

Do you know the best news?

I AM in control.

And I want you to know that too.

The simplest way to realize this is to separate out the facts of what is going on in a day from the story that I tell about it.

It takes practice and at first it can be challenging to do. But it is SO worth it my friends.


 **I want you to know that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE. You can start feeling better and nothing around you needs to change. REALLY....I didn't believe it until it started happening to me. If I can overcome overwhelm, so can you!

If you think a coach would help, please set up a free consultation.


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