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Want more TIME?

Uncategorized Jan 28, 2020

Did you know that the way we THINK about time matters more than anything!?

Isn't that wild? 

How some days "time flies" and how other days "time drags on".

This is something that I really enjoy coaching my clients on.  How we think about time even affects what we accomplish in a day...seriously! 

This was one of the best things that I've learned from coaching.  When I think " I don't have enough time" ...it turns out I don't .  When I think " I have time to get important things done" it seems to work out. So cool!

Another amazing TIME HACK is to really look at where we spend our time. We often bemoan we "don't have enough time" but we often end up frittering away time mindlessly.

A little challenge for the day...track your time and see if you can come up with just 5 minutes that might be "better spent"   .... just 5 minutes a day ends up being 30 HOURS IN A YEAR!  What would you do with that GIFT OF TIME?!

In the last year I have learned to be more DELIBERATE with my time. The best piece of advise is to DECIDE AHEAD OF TIME what you want to do with your time..and then the key is honoring this plan!  Amaze yourself!

**If you'd like to dig in more on your "THERE IS NOT ENOUGH TIME" concerns,  please contact me.  There are some easy fixes to get you feeling so much better!!!  Hurry...Time is a-wasting! :)



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