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Perfectionism is a THIEF and a LIAR

Uncategorized Feb 09, 2020

Perfectionism is a thief and robs us of so much....

of enjoying the moment

of enjoying the journey

We wait to feel joy until the goal is achieved

but the result is never good enough

so we either fail to even try

or we keep putting off the joy until we reach the top of the mountain

but the destination always seem to get further away.


Perfectionism LIES to us and tells us that unless it is 100% perfect that we are not worthy

we have to prove our worthiness daily

through our clean homes

through our well behaved and well dressed children

through our finished notes and high patient satisfaction scores

and this is ALL A LIE

and we are exhausted


We are always chasing the next external achievement to feel better and meanwhile we are feeling crappy along the way.


While aiming to do well may have served us on our journey to become physicians, it is not serving most of us anymore. It is making us miserable.

in our work

in our relationships and

in life in general.


***As a recovering perfectionist I know this well. I work with my clients on this and it is often the root of most of their discomfort. Understanding why we have this and learning to create new beliefs is they key to feeling better. Change is possible. I can help. Please set up a free consultation today.


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