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Enough is Enough!

Uncategorized Jan 17, 2021

If you're a mom, you've uttered these words. Typically to our kids when we've had enough of their bickering.

Do you know who we really should be saying it to?


Enough is enough.

As high achievers, we always have goals ahead of us.

We reach those goals

Celebrate fro about 10 seconds

and then look for the next goal.

"It's not enough".

"I can do better."


Seriously ladies,

we have to stop this.

Enough is enough.

We can just decide

Because really

What is enough anyway?!


I spend enough time with my kids.

I have enough.

I am enough.

I will repeat it over and over

so you can see

that by embracing  what is

as enough

your life will be beyond belief.


Peace to you!


50% Complete

Two Step

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