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Are you "just surviving" your life?

Uncategorized Jan 31, 2020

Do you ever feel this way?

That you are just surviving?

Do you ever think " is this really the life I worked so hard for?"

Do you ever think "my work/family is a circus or a $hitshow"

Do you ever think "I have to do it all"

Do you feel overwhelmed and think a weekend away is all you need to reset?

Or maybe if you just hired more help?

Or got more sleep?

Or got back on your Peloton?

Or ran a little more

that all would be well?!?!


Well friends...I have thought ALL of those things.

And I've tried ALL THE THINGS.

And then I often felt worse because I slipped back into Overwhelm...why was it so HARD FOR ME?!?


And then I found life coaching and dug in to do the mind work with my coach and I finally found internal peace and clarity like I've never had before....seriously.


***I became a certified life coach so I could help other MamaDocs overcome overwhelm for once and for all...to go from just surviving their lives to THRIVING in life. Please set up a free consult today if you'd like to feel better.




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