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Are you always busy?

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2020

Did you know that "being busy" is a choice?

"I'm so busy; I have so much to do" is thought that makes me feel rushed and anxious.  It typically makes me unfocused and I don't get much done because I spin out in confusion and overwhelm!  Where to even begin?!?  Oh...and getting real here..I may also react with crabbiness along the way! 

When I take a moment to be deliberate about my "to do list", instead of thinking "I need to do it all",  I choose a thought that serves me better:

  • Who better than me to get this done?
  • I've done hard things before and I can do it again.
  • What is it that I WANT to get accomplished today?

 These thoughts bring me a feeling of confidence and ease and actually peace...even before I've done anything!

And that, my friends, is amazing!  So consider taking a breath and letting go of "being busy"...you may surprise yourself and actually get more done and with more ease!


**If you'd like to learn more about how coaching can help you feel better and less busy...please set up a free consultation. This is something that comes up for most of my clients!


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